Westcore Neighborhood: Meet Paul Bowles

Westcore Neighborhood: Meet Paul Bowles

The work of cultivating connection and change in the Westcore neighborhood is spearheaded by Amy Mares. Amy directs the efforts of Westcore Neighbors, an independent nonprofit neighborhood development corporation. Westcore Neighbors manages Nuestra Casa (a neglected...

Webinar: ABCD in Mansfield, Ohio

In September we visited with Deanna West-Torrence and her staff at the North End Community Improvement Collaborative to learn how they are using Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) to revitalize the North End neighborhood of Mansfield, Ohio. Learn how an asset...

Webinar: John McKnight and Cormac Russell

​Two of the great luminaries of the global Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) movement — John McKnight, Co-Founder of the ABCD Institute, and Cormac Russell, Director of ABCD Europe — join with Tecca Jones of Grand Rapids to discuss “The...