Montello Park is the newest neighborhood in the City of Holland, Michigan to design for social connection. 3Sixty (an intermediary organization serving Holland’s several Neighborhood Development Organizations) is coordinating the effort with support from the Oakwood Fund at the Community Foundation of the Holland-Zeeland Area, as well as with four anchor churches, local businesses and residents.

Home to Doeb’s Pizza, Calvary Schools of Holland, Jackie’s Place, Latin Americans United for Progress, as well as five (5) congregations, Montello Park is a diverse community of small businesses and starter-homes that were originally built as workforce housing for local manufacturers, including the Heinz factory located in the neighborhood.

Recently, a group of residents and stakeholders in Montello Park completed the 12-week “Build a Better Block” workshop series, in partnership with CommunityWorks and 3Sixty and hosted by LAUP. Over three months, this group learned about discovering, connecting, and mobilizing the gifts of Montello Park for asset-based community development. Combined with neighborhood survey data, these neighbors are prepared to make a difference as neighbors.

As one participant, Rose Southard, stated, “Before taking the class I saw the benefit of living in a connected neighborhood, but didn’t know how to help build one. I’m excited to start work with my fellow connectors to build a more connected Montello Park. A year from now I picture us looking back and celebrating our successes, big and small.”

Those successes have already begun to take shape with residents & stakeholders:

  • Organizing several meetings of the nascent Montello Park Collaborative
  • Hosting multiple gatherings (a launch party, Christmas caroling, and more)
  • Mobilizing neighbor-led clean ups events and beautification projects

These are exciting times for Montello Park. You can get a taste for what’s going on by turning out on September 29 for their National Good Neighbor Day celebration.